Message from the Chair

Message from the Chair – Feb 2020

Dear AVOHK Members

I do hope all club members are keeping their spirits up and keeping fit whilst we all battle the social effects that the Corona Virus has put on our lives. AVOHK did their part by lifting spirits and being able to hold the 4th and final race of the AVOHK Reservoir Series on Saturday, 15th February 2020, at Shing Mun Reservoir. We had a good turnout considering the current circumstances and good quality runners in both the men’s and ladies’ fields. Harry Loasby, the recent winner of the China Coast Marathon, led the runners home in a very fast time of 31 min 20 sec over the 8.1km undulating course with Wong Mei-yan the first lady home in a time of 39 min 42 sec. A big thank you to the runners that turned out and supported this race and also to the many volunteers that came along and provided that vital on-course assistance. Especially Champion Chip and also to Sam and his FIRST AID team. A more detailed report is in the newsletter on the 4th race and also the overall series results.

Two club members that have complete extraordinary running achievements in the last month. Virginie Goethals completed the grueling 268 Km 4 trails (organized by Andre Blumberg). Virginie completed the course in a time of 68 hours (yes 68 hours on the move covering 268 Km) and raising a lot of well-needed funds for the RUN group supporting refugees in our Hong Kong community. Outstanding effort. The second extraordinary achievement was by Janine Canham who took part in the global 7 marathons in 7 days, also raising large sums of money for the RUN group. Janine has written a wonderful report which is in this month’s newsletter. Please do take time to read it. An exhausting effort just making it from one marathon to the next on a different continent. Janine, great effort.

This week the running community in Hong Kong received some very sad news that Nic Tinworth had finally succumbed to Brain Cancer at the age of 44. Nic had been battling the disease for nearly 2 years and even competing in the odd race during that time. Nic was not an AVOHK club member but contributed so much to the running community of Hong Kong through the races that he organized with Racebase and also supporting the legendary Team Green in many Trailwalkers. His partner Nia Cooper has been completing the 4 x 100km classics trails (The Grand Slam) in the last few months and raising money for Brain Cancer research. If you would like to contribute to this very worthy cause please go to this web page:

Nia, all of AVOHK wish you a safe journey as you complete your challenge. You and your family are very much in our thoughts.

2020 Round-the-Island Time Trial will be held on Sunday, 11th October 2020. We have provisional approval from AFCD to hold the event and expect full approval shortly. Entry details will be out around July timeframe. A big thank you to Dave Smith for again volunteering as Race Director. This is an event that requires quite a few volunteers to man and resource checkpoints. There will be the customary RTI buffet dinner and prize giving and we are in the process of looking for a suitable venue.

Malcolm Phillips 5K race is still scheduled for 4pm on Saturday, 9th May 2020 starting at the pagoda on Bowen Road. This is a great way to remember our dear friend Malcolm who left us in 2006. Malcolm was long standing member of both AVOHK and the HKLRRC. This is an age-graded race, so not necessarily the first runner home wins. A big thank you to Race Directors Elaine Hall and Derek Irwin for again taking up the challenge. Entry details out shortly.

A reminder and a date for your diary that the 2020 AVOHK Annual General Meeting will be held at Café 8 at 7pm on Thursday, 11th June 2020. It would be appreciated if members can make a special effort to attend this important meeting where AVOHK’s business of the day will be discussed and also the AVOHK Male and Female Athlete of the Year awards are presented. It is great opportunity to meet Club members in a social setting and what better venue than Café 8.

In this month’s newsletter, there is a nice reminder of one of the Club’s longest serving member John Wakefield, there is an article about “Natto” and its health benefits, Railbird has his useful contribution of global athletic information although a bit shorter this month as most of the tracks are closed in Hong Kong but does point out the achievements of Billie Kwok in setting at the age of 45 – a Hong Kong record in the 50K walk, a very in-depth article about why runners need to be more aware of trees, seven marathons in seven days by AVOHK’s own Janine Canham, another couple of articles about “the shoe,” including one about World Athletics changing the rules, an article on the state of UK athletics and one about the “State of Running in 2019”.

March’s Social Run will take place on Wednesday, 4th March 2020, starting at 7pm. Further details inside the newsletter. The organizer is Frank Riehm. They always go for a beer afterwards. Even better reason to turn up.

Yours in Running

Colin Whittington