Message from the Chair

Message from the Chair – Jun 2020

Dear AVOHK Members

Thank you to those members that attended the 2020 AVOHK AGM held at Café 8 on Wednesday, 24 June 2020. Thank you also to those that submitted proxy votes and to those that sent in their apologies. The committee from the previous year enjoyed themselves so much that we all stood for re-election and were duly voted in. Myself as Chairman and Phil Booth as Vice Chairman will be standing down in 12 months’ time as we will have both served the maximum 5 years allowed in the AVOHK constitution. Any volunteers willing to be AVOHK Chair or Vice Chair please let me know at The latest AVOHK Committee is posted on the AVOHK website:

At the AGM, I thanked the committee for their support and service to the Club over the last 12 months. I also made a special thank you to those members of AVOHK who are not on the committee but contribute a lot to the Club. Like Vicent Ang who does an outstanding job of compiling the monthly newsletter and is always on hand with his registration and medals team at our races. A special mention to Bill Purves aka The Railbird “Heard at the Track” for providing valuable content for the newsletter and his unrelenting efforts in getting Hong Kong masters teams to international events.

The Treasurer Peter Wong reported that the Club finances are in a strong position and the Membership Secretary Frank Riehm also reported that Membership is in good shape with 130 new members joining during the year and with current membership of 630. I thanked Gammon for sponsoring the 2020 Gammon China Coast Marathon and Comprador for sponsoring the 2019 AVOHK Comprador 5K series.

At the AGM, I announced the very worthy winners of the 2019/20 AVOHK Athlete of the Year and presented them with their respective awards. The Male Winner was Ken Greer and their joint Female Winners were Janine Canham and Virginie Goethals. Further details with pictures in the newsletter.

After a sumptuous buffet we were enthralled by Janine Canham who gave a wonderful talk on her experience in taking part in the 2020 World Marathon Challenge. Seven marathons in 7 days on 7 different continents and raising substantial funds for the RUN refugee charity that support refugees in our Hong Kong community. Thank you, Janine, an amazing effort and a great way to end the evening. Hats off to Melody and the Café 8 Staff who looked after us so well and made sure we had plenty to eat and drink.

There is a provisional date of Saturday, 15 August, to kick off the 2020 AVOHK Comprador 5K Series. Realistically, due to the current Covid-19 restrictions (max group size of 50) this is looking less likely to happen. Although we are hopeful at some point restrictions might be further relaxed. Online registration will only be launched once the government Covid-19 restrictions allow us and it is safe to hold the series. Further updates to all members as they happen.

Rod Dixon, one of our AVOHK Honorary Life Members, turns 70 on 13 July 2020. All at AVOHK wish Rod a Happy Birthday and many more to come. Rod, as many of you know, won a bronze medal at the 1,500m in the 1972 Olympics at the age of 22 and won the 1973 New York City marathon in dramatic style amongst his many achievements. Rod is a great ambassador for our sport and for New Zealand. In celebration of turning 70, Rod is raising funds for his Rod Dixon Kids Marathon foundation. Further details can be found here:

In this month’s newsletter there is an announcement about the 2020 Worldwide Virtual Masters Challenge. Deadline to register is 15 July 2020. Articles on World Athletic finances, safe to swim during Covid-19?, effects of high mileage and is it now safe to run in groups? Some very interesting articles and information. Please do take time to read.

The AVOHK monthly Social Run, will take place at 7pm on Wednesday, 8 July 2020. Meet by HSBC ATM at Hopewell Centre in Wan Chai. For further details, contact Frank Riehm. Note: They often go for a beer afterwards.

Yours in Running

Colin Whittington