Message from the Chair

Message from the Chair – Sep 2020

Dear AVOHK Members

I hope you and your families are fit and healthy and managing the best you can under the current Covid-19 restrictions. On a positive note, it is encouraging to see the running tracks open again and athletes back doing their trackwork and the coaches being able to earn a living. After many months, the AVOHK swimming group return to the Wan Chai Pool on Monday, 28 September 2020. A big thank you to Johnny Cheng who has been working closely with LCSD to ensure AVOHK maintain our lane bookings.

On Tuesday, 15 September 2020, the AVOHK Committee held their first ever virtual committee meeting via Zoom. I can report it was well attended and although there are no races at the moment there was a lot of Club business to discuss. This was the committee’s first meeting since the AGM. The 2020 Round-the-Island Time Trial which was due to be held on Sunday, 11 October 2020, will be moved to April. The exact date yet to be confirmed. The 2020/21 Reservoir series is on hold until we can get clear direction from the government whether it will be possible to hold any reservoir races at all.

The 2021 China Coast Marathon and Half Marathon is due to be held on Sunday, 10 January 2021. AVOHK have been proactive and a proposal has been submitted to the relevant Government department with a request to hold both races with a limited number of runners and within a safe environment. We plan to follow up shortly and have given ourselves until the 31 October 2020 to make a go/no-go decision. The China Coast Marathon is one of Hong Kong’s most historic races and has been put on every year since 1981. The AVOHK committee are remaining positive that this long streak can continue but are mindful that the health of our runners and providing a safe environment is AVOHK’s first priority.

Date for your diary. One of the top Hong Kong social events of the year – the AVOHK Christmas Party – will be held at Café 8 on Wednesday, 9 December 2020. We are hoping that conditions continue to improve to allow us all to get together during the festive season.

Wanted: The Club are looking for a volunteer to take over the management of the AVOHK website content and a possible upgrade to give the site a new look and feel. Content management is one of the key responsibilities. Any interested volunteer, please contact

AVOHK do not normally promote other groups’ races but the RUN refugee group are dear to AVOHK’s heart and we do what we can to support. RUN have had to cancel their annual fundraising race in November and will now be holding a virtual Resilience Run #WithRefugees event between 16 and 25 October 2020. Entry details are here and it is for a great cause:

In this month’s newsletter are the details of the 7th Hong Kong Masters Athletic Championship due to be held on 13 December 2020 at the Pak Shek Kok Sports Centre. This event is organized by the Pacers Club. Entry is not yet open and we are still waiting for further details to see what if any Covid-19 restrictions will be placed on this event. A separate email will go out to all Club members once further information is known.

There are 2 track meets organized by the HKAAA coming up shortly. The Hong Kong Athletic Trials on 10/11 October 2020 and the Hong Kong Junior Age Group Championships on 17/18 October, both at Tsuen Kwan O Sports Ground. AVOHK have submitted entries for four athletes for both events and we wish them well. For further information on HKAAA events, click

In this month’s newsletter, there are some interesting articles, including an article on a Hong Kong swimmer swimming the English Channel. The usual from our stalwart contributor Railbird. Please do take time to read.

The AVOHK Social Run returns and will be held on at 7pm, Wednesday, 7 October 2020, starting from the Hopewell Centre. For further details, contact Frank Riehm. Covid-19 group number restrictions apply.

Yours in Running

Colin Whittington