Message from the Chair

Message from the Chair – Dec 2020

Dear AVOHK Members

I trust you all had the best Christmas you could have had given the COVID-19 restrictions. As we close out 2020, this is certainly a year we will not easily forget.

All members should have recently received an email updating them on the 2021 China Coast Marathon. The Club have been in direct contact with the Home Affairs Bureau with the regard to the planning of this event. Had the situation not deteriorated in late-November / early-December, we believe AVOHK had a format that would have been acceptable. Reduced numbers to 150 and a marathon only. But given the recent increased restrictions and current situation, it was not wise to pursue our request any further. Rather, the Club will wait until the COVID-19 situation improves and continue to work with the Home Affairs Bureau. Watch this space for further information. Race Directors Dave Smith and Catherine Leonard have their fingers crossed.

The 6th Hong Kong Masters Athletic Championships was postponed in early December. It has been rescheduled by the organizing club Pacers Athletics Club to Sunday, 28 February 2021 (Day 1), and Sunday, 7 March 2021 (Day 2). The event will be held at Pak Shek Kok Sports Centre, Education University of Hong Kong. It should be noted that age group is determined by the age of the athlete on 28 February 2021.

Reminders have gone out to those members that renew their Club membership on an annual basis and also to the swimming group for payment of their annual pool fees.

Birthday greeting to Honorary Life Member Dave Bedford OBE (Olympian, former 10,000m World Record Holder and London Marathon Director). Dave turns 71 on 30 December 2020. Celebrations of a few beers down the pub in London followed by a curry probably won’t happen this year, but I am sure will be duly celebrated somehow. From all at AVOHK, Happy Birthday, Dave.

As promised, in this month’s newsletter Thomas Wetzer has written about his experience in running the perimeter of Hong Kong Island (Approx 70km). Thomas completed this journey with his good friend Felix Cauro and also raised valuable funds for the Alzheimer’s society. There are a number of other interesting articles in this month’s newsletter, please do take time to read.

As we approach 2021 and welcome in the New Year, I would like to take this opportunity of thanking Vicent Ang for diligently putting the monthly AVOHK newsletter together and for being a great Club member. I would also like to thank the AVOHK committee for their support during 2020. Although it has been a turbulent time the AVOHK Committee continue to meet regularly via Zoom.

Wishing all AVOHK Club Members good luck and good health in 2021 and for better times ahead.

Stay Fit and Stay Healthy.

Yours in Running

Colin Whittington