Message from the Chair

Message from the Chair – Nov 2020

Dear AVOHK Members

Due to the recent surge in COVID-19 infections and the call from the Hong Kong Government to reduce social activity, AVOHK had little option but to cancel one of the social events of the year – the 2020 AVOHK Christmas Party – which was due to be held on Wednesday, 9 December 2020. The only saving grace is that the AVOHK Committee had not started sending out requests for members to attend and we were able to give our friends at Café 8 plenty of notice.

The 2021 China Coast Marathon due to be held on Sunday, 10 January 2021, is still on the table and we are hoping that the COVID-19 situation improves to a level where AVOHK can obtain approval to host this event in a safe environment. On our last correspondence with the Hong Kong Government and based on their feedback, AVOHK have dropped the Half Marathon and the current revised proposal is to have a Marathon only with a maximum field size of 100 to 150 runners. Race Directors Dave Smith and Catherine Leonard are keeping their fingers crossed.

Some good news, one of AVOHK’s leading Junior athletes Swiss Duangthip competed recently in the HKAAA Asics Junior Age Group Athletic Championships. Swiss proudly running in his AVOHK vest won the 1,500m and finished 2nd in the 800m. Great results by Swiss and you can read his report in this month’s newsletter.

On the swimming front, Jason and Johnny are busily coordinating the annual renewal of the swimming group membership that will use the Wan Chai pool for 2021. AVOHK also say goodbye to Francesco Romagnoli, one of the stalwarts of the swimming group. Francesco leaves Hong Kong shortly and returns to his native Italy.

AVOHK Member Thomas Wetzer on Saturday, 28 November 2020, is planning to run the perimeter of Hong Kong Island (Approx 70 km). Thomas is running with his friend Felix Cauro and raising funds for the Alzheimer’s Society. Thomas will be updating us all on his efforts shortly. AVOHK wish Thomas and Felix a safe and successful journey.

In this month’s newsletter, the beaches are open and Swimming Matters is back and we thank Ian Polson for his contribution. There is a great article on AVOHK Honorary Life Member Rod Dixon (Olympic medalist and winner of 1983 New York marathon) on the great work Rod continues to do in the running community. Bill Purves updates us on recent success in the SHTB walking training competition. There is a good selection of articles, please do make some time to read the newsletter.

Finishing on a very Christmas theme, AVOHK are big supporters of the RUN refugee not-for-profit organisation. They do fantastic work with the refugees in the Hong Kong community. If you are still looking for some unique ideas for Christmas, shop here:

The AVOHK Monthly Social Run is suspended until the COVID-19 situation improves. For further details on the monthly social run, contact Frank Riehm.

Yours in Running

Colin Whittington