Message from the Chair

Message from the Chair – Jan 2021

The Club is starting 2021 with the very sad news of the passing of one of AVOHK’s much-loved and one of the Club’s most active members, Frank Pilkington. 

Frank passed away suddenly at his home on Monday, 11 January 2021, only a few days after celebrating his 79th birthday. Our thoughts are with his wife Ada, family and the many friends Frank had. It is a big shock and a big loss to us all. 

Frank’s memorial service will be held at Cape Collinson on Sunday, 7 February 2021. AVOHK will be represented but, unfortunately, due to COVID-19, the numbers able to attend are extremely restricted. Thank you for your understanding. 

In this month’s newsletter, there is an article on Frank’s passing. There is also is a Facebook group page that his family have set up where you can leave your thoughts and memories. There are a lot of wonderful comments already:

At the January meeting, the committee decided, due to COVID-19 restrictions and the unclear future for holding races, that there would not be an AVOHK China Coast Marathon and Half Marathon in 2021. Rather that the focus should be on planning for January / February 2022. Sadly, the 2021 Round-the-Island, which we had hoped to hold in April, will now be held in 2022. 

As regards the AVOHK 5K Series and the 2021/22 AVOHK Reservoir Series, the committee are hoping the situation improves and that we can hold both series.

The 6th Hong Kong Masters Athletic Championships organized by the Pacers has been pushed back from 28 February 2021 (Day 1) and 7 March 2021 (Day 2) to mid-April. Dates to be confirmed. Further details can be found here:

If you would like an AVOHK Club running vest, please contact Phil Booth at Male and female sizes are available. Cost: HKD150.

On some positive news, a big congratulations to Catherine Leonard on receiving the HKAAA 10-Year long service award in the recent 2019 HKAAA virtual awards ceremony. Catherine was put forward for the award by our good friends at the Ladies Club (HKLRRC). 

Congratulations also to Cade Wright on being awarded the 2019 HKAAA Junior Athlete of the Year. Cade relocated to Scotland with her family last summer and prior to leaving competed in many AVOHK 5K Series in various age groups.

Please do take time to read the newsletter as there are some wonderful articles, including Swimming Matters, 5 Reasons Why You Cannot Run Faster and Bye to BMI. Please note the World Masters Games due to be held in Japan in May 2021 has been postponed until 2022. Enjoy the read.

Stay fit and stay healthy.

Yours in Running

Colin Whittington