AVOHK 40th Anniversary Relay Race
The AVOHK 40th Anniversary Relay Race will take place on the Hong Kong Central Waterfront – Saturday 25 February at 3pm.
The competition will involve teams of 3 runners, teams can be all male, all female or mixed and must include at least one AVOHK member and one runner as old as AVOHK (40 years of age) or older.
The running order can be decided on the day of the race.
All runners must be 16 years of age or older.
The race will start, finish and the relay leg handovers take place at Pier 10 on the Central Waterfront, running east, turning at the Exhibition Centre, covering a total distance of 3 km.
Each team will be given a wrist band to hand over between the legs.
Entries limited to 20 teams.
Prizes will be awarded to the first teams to finish in each category (depending on the entry).
All runners will receive an AVOHK 40th Anniversary Commemorative T-shirt.
Entry fee: Free.
Send entries by email to: avohk40@gmail.com
香港元老田徑會 40 週年接力賽將於香港中環海濱舉行。參賽隊伍由 3 人組成,可以 全男、全女或混合,而必須包括至少 1 名香港元老田徑會會員及 1 名與香港元老田徑 會同齡(40 歲)或以上的隊員。
起跑次序可在比賽當天決定。 所有參賽者必須年滿 16 歲。
起點、終點及接棒區均設於中環海濱 10 號碼頭。參賽者向東跑至香港會議展覽中心折 返,全程 3 公里。
名額只限 20 隊。 每個組別首支完賽的隊伍(取決於參賽隊數)將獲頒獎品。 所有參賽者將獲贈香港元老田徑會 40 週年紀念 T 恤。
報名費: 全免
請將報名表電郵至: avohk40@gmail.com