Save the date : China coast marathon and half marathon : 12 Jan 2025

The China Coast Marathon and Half Marathon, scheduled for January 12, 2025, promises to be an exciting and challenging event for running enthusiasts. Set against the picturesque backdrop of Sai Kung’s coastline, this marathon offers participants an opportunity to showcase their endurance and determination.

Whether tackling the full marathon distance or opting for the half marathon, participants can expect a well-organized event with scenic routes, enthusiastic crowds, and a vibrant atmosphere. As the participants embark on their journey along the coastal roads, they will experience a mix of breathtaking ocean views, cultural landmarks, and the camaraderie of fellow runners.

The China Coast Marathon and Half Marathon on January 12, 2025, promises an unforgettable and exhilarating race experience for all those seeking an adventure on the Chinese coast.

More details to follow.