Message from the Chair

Message from the Chair – Aug 23

Yes, AVOHK does have an active swimming section. Congratulations to Club member Doug Woodring who competed in the World Aquatics Masters Championships in Fukuoka earlier this month. Setting four Hong Kong M55 age group records. Read more about Doug’s achievements in this month’s newsletter.


Sign up now: The 2023 AVOHK 5K Series. Online Entry is live with over 250 runners already signed up. The first race will be held at Bowen Road at 8am on Saturday, 9 September 2023. This series has the full age range with masters categories in 5-year age groups from 35 years up to 80 years+. For the youngsters, you must be at least 12 years of age to enter. The series is sponsored by Watsons Water. Race Director is Freeman Lee.

Final call: The 2023 Asia Masters Athletics Championships will take place at New Clark City in the Philippines from 7th to 12th November 2023. Historically, Hong Kong have always had a large team for this event. There are no qualifying times/distance.

This is “Sport for All”. So far, 37 have signed up. AVOHK requires entry and payment by 31st August 2023. An email went out recently with details. If anyone is still interested in taking part, please email me soonest at

Get Ready: The 2023 Hong Kong Masters Athletics Championships are due to take place at the Wanchai Sports Ground from 27th to 29th October 2023. Details at (English is at the back). Entry will be open from 1st September 2023. Aldo Kriel ( will be the AVOHK Club Captain for this event and will be contacting Club members shortly.

2023 World 24hr Masters Championships in Taipei, 1st/2nd December 2023. Details are here:

Contact: if interested in entering.

2023 World Masters 50k Championships in Hyderabad, India, 5th November 2023. Details are here:

Contact: if interested in entering.


The Monthly Club Social Run is held on the first Wednesday in the month. Next one is at 7pm on Wednesday, 6th September. Meeting at the Hopewell Centre outside BMW Shop. For further details, contact Norman (9249 1452) or Frank (9423 5422).

An AVOHK Club Social Gathering for members to relax and chat about running and athletics will be held at Bobby’s Rabble, 46 Wyndham Street. Starting at 6pm on Wednesday, 20th September 2023. For further details, contact Aldo Kriel 6125 7913. August’s gathering was well attended and even “The Railbird” put in an appearance.


The next AVOHK Committee Meeting will take place on Monday, 11th September 2023, at 7pm.

Good luck to all those athletes competing for Hong Kong, China, in the upcoming 2022 Asian Games being held in Hangzhou.

Yours in running

Colin Whittington